Acunetix is the leading web Application vulnerability scanner used by thousands of companies worldwide

Full website vulnerability assessment

Full website vulnerability assessment.

Acunetix scans and detects all types of web vulnerabilities, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.

This assessment is to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers and provide recommendations for remediation.

The assessment typically includes a detailed report outlining the findings, the potential impact of each vulnerability, and actionable recommendations to mitigate the identified risks.

A full website vulnerability assessment is a critical component of a website’s security posture, helping to reduce the risk of data breaches, downtime, and financial losses.

Accurate and reliable results of Acunetix

Our advanced scanning techniques eliminate false positives and ensure accurate and reliable results.

To maintain accuracy and reliability, it’s important to continue to review and refine your scanning techniques regularly. Additionally, ensuring that your team is properly trained and educated on the scanning process can help minimize errors and improve the quality of results.

Regularly testing and validating the accuracy of your scanning techniques against known standards or benchmarking against other similar techniques can also help ensure the reliability of your results. Overall, a commitment to quality control and continuous improvement is key to maintaining accuracy and reliability in your scanning process.

accurate result

Advanced reporting and remediation

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner provides detailed reports that include all vulnerabilities identified during the scan, along with recommendations for remediation. The reports are customizable, allowing users to filter and sort the results based on severity, type, and other criteria.

In addition to the reports, Acunetix offers guidance on how to remediate the issues identified. This includes step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and other resources that can help users to address vulnerabilities quickly and efficiently.

Acunetix also integrates with issue trackers and other tools, allowing users to easily assign and track issues, and to collaborate with other team members on remediation efforts.

Continuous Monitoring

Acunetix provides continuous monitoring capabilities to help users detect any new vulnerabilities that may appear on their websites. This feature allows users to set up automated scans on a regular basis, so that any new vulnerabilities can be identified and addressed promptly, reducing the risk of successful cyber attacks.

Acunetix can also be integrated with other security tools and issue trackers, allowing users to easily assign and track issues, and to collaborate with other team members on remediation efforts.

By providing continuous monitoring capabilities, Acunetix helps users to stay on top of their website’s security and minimize the risk of cyber attacks and data breaches.

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frequently asked questions

  • Web application security vulnerabilities are very different from malware. They are programming bugs – introduced by the application creators themselves, not by malicious parties. Therefore, the only way to remove them is for the developer to fix the application. If the vulnerability is in a custom application, written by your developers specifically for your business, only you can fix it. If the vulnerability is in a third-party application, for example, a CMS plugin, you can wait for the creators of the third-party application to fix it or your developers may fix it themselves temporarily until a safe version comes out.

  • If all your web applications are third-party software, for example, WordPress or Magento, you will be able to patch them after Acunetix finds a vulnerability (if a patch is available). However, Acunetix can find even vulnerabilities that the creators of third-party software don’t know about. If you build your own web applications, those applications cannot be simply patched. Your developers will need to find a way to fix them. Acunetix will help your developers by providing links to resources that teach them how to fix typical vulnerabilities. You can also use Acunetix to double-check later if vulnerabilities have been fixed.

  • Relying on a web application firewall for web application security is like taking a pain killer pill while having a serious medical issue. The pill will take away the pain but the medical issue will still be there. You need to go to the doctor to find the source of the medical issue and address it. Acunetix is your first contact doctor for the web, not a painkiller like a WAF. Acunetix helps you find the source of the issue in the web application so your developers can address it. If you just use a WAF, your issue will be partially masked from attackers. It will be more difficult to attack your web application but not impossible. However, if you already have a WAF or planning to buy one, you can use it the right way together with Acunetix.

  • Open-source web application security solutions are much simpler and much more limited than professional products like Acunetix and its commercial competitors. If you have one web application, you can use an open-source product to secure it. But if you have more web applications and, most importantly, if you want your company to grow, you will soon find out that an open-source application will not meet your needs and will hinder your web security.

  • Source code scanners, commonly referred to as SAST tools, are used in slightly different circumstances than web vulnerability scanners like Acunetix, commonly referred to as DAST tools. SAST tools are meant to be used only in automated environments, not for ad-hoc security. They require full access to the entire source code, which is often not possible, for example, if you use third-party libraries. They don’t provide the whole picture of vulnerabilities, for example, they won’t find any web server misconfigurations. They also work for only some programming languages, so you may be unable to use them for all your web applications. There is just one advantage of source code scanners – they help with faster remediation because the developer receives the exact location of the security issue in the source code. However, if you need that kind of information, you can use the AcuSensor IAST module, which will also provide you with line numbers.

  • In a professional environment, we recommend that you don’t just fall back onto a single tool, even one as good as Acunetix. We recommend that you build your security by starting with Acunetix and then add more elements such as a web application firewall (WAF), a source code scanner (SAST), a software composition analysis (SCA) tool, a runtime application security protection (RASP) tool, as well as perform external penetration tests and red team vs. blue team exercises, create a bounty program, and more. However, you don’t need all of that at the beginning. If you start with Acunetix, most of your web application security needs will be covered. You need other solutions simply to come closer to perfection when it comes to web application security.

  • While bounty programs are an excellent element of web application security strategies, they are very inefficient if treated as the primary element. You have no control over a bounty program at all. They give no guarantees, they are not thorough, and they give a false sense of security. Independent white-hat hackers cannot cover all your web applications and all of their functions. They will focus on vulnerabilities that are easy to find and get paid for. You may even end up paying a lot of money to hackers who used Acunetix to find vulnerabilities for you.

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