APIs are Foundation application-driven world

Application Programming Interfaces or APIs are a most important part of modern mobile, SaaS and web applications and can be found in every application viz, customer-facing, partner-facing and internal applications.

API Security centralizes solutions and its  strategies  to understand and minimize the unique vulnerabilities and security risks of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

Enterprises are deploying API services in order to support rapid expansion and diversification of their business channels. Rapid deployment of APIs has given rise to cyber security ‘blind spots’ and unmanaged endpoints.

A vulnerable API could lead to:

  • Unauthorized Access
  • Data leakage
  • Sanctioning Fuzzy input
  • Injection Vulnerabilities
  • Parameter Tampering, etc.

Why is API security testing important?

  • API provides developers with powerful interfaces to organization digital transformation journey
  • To Ensure that APIs are conformant to published specifications and resilient to bad and potentially malicious input that is critical to an organization’s overall security.
  • Traditional DAST scanners cannot cover APIs Security testing.
  • Many times an organization’s front end does not interact with all API endpoints. Therefore it’s essential to adopt a comprehensive API testing strategy that targets issues in all of an API’s endpoints.
Benefits of API Security
  • API security issues are assessed, and false-positive free vulnerability intelligence is provided.
  • Our API Scanner can detect flaws in any API, including mobile back-end servers, IoT devices, and RESTful APIs.
  • Consume API descriptor files (Swagger, JSON, WSDL, YAML) and test documented methods automatically.Provide API discovery profiling to assist you in maintaining an asset register of APIs that are active on your estate.
  • API Vulnerability Scanning allows an understanding of common security vulnerabilities which may be present throughout an Organization.
  • Security and vulnerability scanning engines specifically designed for APIs, it is possible to have continuous security visibility of your API exposures on the internet.
  • API vulnerability assessment detects the most recent vulnerabilities and on an on-demand basis.
  • All discovered flaws as a result of the API Security testing are reported to minimize them and improve overall security posture.
API Security Testing tools Reduce Security & Compliance Risk

Organizations need an API solution with comprehensive support for the latest security and regulatory standards, such as JOSE (JWK, JWS, JWE), PCI-DSS, and GDPR. This mitigates risk and lowers administration costs. The tool  ensures rest APIs and other types (e.g. SOAP, AMQP) are secure from threats and attacks.

Automated API testing integrated to speedup DevOps
  • CI/CD integration

    API Scanner integrates directly with Jenkins and other CI/CD pipeline tools, so you can build API security into your DevOps pipelines

  • Single-click replay attacks

    Reduce fix/test cycle time. Replay attacks easily using built-in cURL commands, which contain the precise request and payload that exploited the vulnerability.

  • Issue tracker integration

    Test results are integrated directly into Jira or your issue-tracking tool of choice using simple API calls. And they’re automatically closed when the vulnerabilities are fixed, or reopened as regressions if they reoccur. Never again be inundated with the same vulnerabilities day after day.

frequently asked questions

Vector Smart Object5
  • Website crashes or freezes
  • Account login information was modified without your knowledge.
  • Files on websites were deleted or modified.
  • Increase in website traffic flow.
  • You’ve experienced a noticeable change to your search engine results, such as
  •  It is important for an organization to identify the threats to secure data from any kind of risk.
  •  That’s why API security testing is very important. An Application Programming Interface provides the easiest access point to hackers.
  •  To make your data safe from hackers, you should use API security testing and ensure that the API is as safe as possible. If there is an error in API, it will affect all the applications that depend upon API.
  • There are various forms of API security tests. Static analysis and software composition analysis search for patterns and libraries in your code base that represent potential vulnerabilities, surfacing the vulnerable code or library. Dynamic API security tests send active requests to the application, surfacing potential vulnerabilities based on the response received from the API.
These are the types of API security testing
  • Dynamic API Security Tests
  • Static  API Security Tests
  • Software Component Analysis
  • Here are some rules of API testing:
  • An API should provide expected output for a given input
  • The inputs should appear within a particular range and values crossing the range must be rejected
  • Any empty or null input must be rejected when it is unacceptable
  • Incorrectly sized input must be rejected