What is Vulnerability Management?

Not all attacks can be detected at an endpoint & Network compromises cannot be detected without visibility into the activities within assets or on the network .Network visibility capture data for increased realtime awareness of the network to detect any anomalous behaviour by

What is Vulnerability Management?
  • Vulnerability management is the ongoing, routine process of identifying, assessing, reporting on, managing, and resolving security flaws across endpoints, workloads, and systems.
  • A strong vulnerability management programme prioritises risks and addresses vulnerabilities as soon as possible by leveraging threat intelligence and knowledge of IT and business operations.
Why Go For Managed Vulnerability Management?
  • Reduce risk and save time

Managed VM is ideal for small security teams because it provides superior coverage and risk reduction, allowing your team to focus on higher-priority security initiatives.

  • Implement a successful program

Create, fine-tune, and optimise a comprehensive vulnerability management programme tailored to your specific business and risk tolerance.

  • Accelerate progress toward your goals

Our mission is to help you accelerate your vulnerability management programme, no matter where you are now. Consider us a member of your team.

The Vulnerability Management Methodology
  • Vulnerability management programmes should adhere to several stages in the vulnerability management process. While each stage of the cycle is defined differently, the process is generally the same, even if the terminology varies
Vulnerability Management Solutions
  • What a VM solution does…
  • Discover, assess, prioritise, and patch critical vulnerabilities in real time across your global hybrid IT, OT, and IoT landscape to reduce cybersecurity risk.
  • A Vulnerability Management solution provides a risk-based solution that prioritizes vulnerabilities and assets based on risk and business criticality. VMS integrates seamlessly with configuration management databases (CMDB) and patch management solutions to rapidly discover, prioritize, and automatically remediate vulnerabilities at scale in order to reduce risk.
  • Understand and manage cybersecurity risk: Quantify risk across vulnerabilities, assets, and groups of assets to help your organization proactively mitigate risk exposure and track risk reduction over time with
  • Automate remediation with no-code workflows: Save valuable time by automating and orchestrating operational tasks for vulnerability management and patching with
  • Prevent attacks from ever happening:Leverage insights from over 180k vulnerabilities sourced from over 25+ threat sources to receive preemptive alerts on potential attacks with the Qualys Threat DB
  • Identify all assets in your environment:Detect all IT, OT, and IoT assets for a complete, categorized inventory enriched with details such as vendor lifecycle information and much more
  • Analyze vulnerabilities and misconfigurations with six sigma accuracy:Automatically detect vulnerabilities and critical misconfigurations per Center for Internet Security (CIS) benchmarks, by asset
  • Quickly remediate threats at scale:Rule-based integrations with ITSM tools such as ServiceNow and JIRA automatically assign tickets and enable orchestration of remediation to reduce MTTR


    frequently asked questions

    • When we talk about the entire organizational cyber security, both vulnerability management and vulnerability assessment have their own significant roles. However, both processes are completely different in nature.
    • Unlike vulnerability assessment, the vulnerability management program doesn’t have any defined start and end date. It is more of a continuous process that helps organizations in having better management of vulnerabilities in the near future.
    • Whereas, vulnerability assessment, on the other hand, helps in identifying the loopholes and vulnerabilities which are ranging from critical designing to basic misconfiguration. The primary objective of this testing is to create guidance for assisting developers with fixing the identified vulnerabilities.
    • Although the vulnerability assessment is an important step in improving the IT security of an organization, it is not just enough. A proper ongoing process is required along with this assessment technique to successfully eliminate the security gap.
    • Vulnerability assessment and management isn’t just about filling in all of the cracks at once. An organization needs to evaluate the impact on its critical operations against its own risk appetite. Vulnerability assessment and management is not about mastering vulnerability scanners and following their detailed remediation recommendations. An organization needs to consider its unique situation. Some fixes could open new vulnerabilities, or impact operations on other systems, so vulnerability management is about tailoring the solution to the organization.

    • It is vital that organizations incorporate these key aspects into their cybersecurity protocols through real-time sharing of role, location and business units based situational awareness to ensure that right information is available with the right person at right time. Situational awareness is a two-way traffic. It is bi-directional in nature such that information flow not only takes place from SecOps and incident response teams to the employees but also vice-versa via incident reporting. Employees, who in all practical aspects are human endpoints, must report all suspicious incidents to disseminate ground-level situational awareness to SecOps and incident response teams for proactive mitigation and reduction of response and dwell detection time. In fact, incident reporting is key to breaking a cyber kill chain.
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