Your Trusted partner for SSL CERTIFICATES

  • Create a trusted environment for your prospects, so they can feel safe while making any kind of purchase or browsing through your site.
  •  Assure your visitors that their connection to your is secure, with special visual cues that we call EV indicators—anything from a green padlock to branded URL bar.
  • Let your prospects be confident that they are visiting the right & your genuine site.
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Why do I need SSL Certificates

  •  Cybercrime is growing exponentially.

  • SSL certificate protects the website from hackers.

  • Google’s gentle nudging of webmasters to use HTTPS.

  • SSL helps to keep the confidential information sent across the internet in encrypted form so that only the intended recipient can access it.

  • Data is Encrypted when sent across the Internet.

  • SSL increases the Google ranking for website.

  • The static website also needs an SSL certificate for:

1. Protecting content and users.

2. Site traffic improvement and Quality.

3. Public Trust and Website Reputation.


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  1. Client messages server to initiate SSL/TLS communication
  2. Server sends back an encrypted public key/certificate
  3. Client checks the certificate, creates and sends an encrypted key back to the server
  4. Server decrypts the key and delivers encrypted content with key to the client
  5. Client decrypts the content completing the SSL/TLS handshake
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Who should buy SSL Certificates?

Any individual or organization who uses their website to gain inputs regarding personal information or sensitive information like username, passwords or credit card numbers must have SSL Certificates for their websites. If your website has a login or payment gateway then it is highly essential for your website to be SSL certified so as to ensure the security of your users and their sensitive details.

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Impact of secure websites on your business

A secure website enhances the trust of your clients. A red warning sign is shown on your website if it is not secured which might ward off the visitors of the website. With SSL Certificate, they can login to their accounts or share account details without fear. SSL certified websites have three visual clues:

SSL certificate is important for your Business
1. Data Protection
  • SSL Certificates, encrypts your
    Website traffic.
  • With SSL certificates on your Servers only your site visitor’s browser can decrypt your website content.
  • Sensitive data such as IDs, passwords, credit card numbers, etc., are protected from mischievous army of hackers & skimmers by SSL encryption
2. Confirms your Identity
  • OV & EV SSL Certificates are issued after a verification process which affirms your organization identity & genuineness.
3. Better Search Engine Ranking
  • Leading Search engines boost the ranking of websites with SSL certificates

4 Improve your customer Trust

  • A right visual cues like Padlock or your brand name in the URL increases the customer’s trust point of view. These easy to identify signs inform the users that the data they send will be received by you only.
  • Once they know that you’re a legitimate entity, they’re far more likely to do business with you or even revisit your site.

5. Get complied with PCI DSS requirements

  • Having an SSL certificate is one of the mandatory requirements set by the payment card industry (PCI).
What you should look for before buying SSL Certificates?
  • Right Selection: A partner that guides you through the selection process of right SSL for compatible for your business
  • Easy Issuance: The Certificate Issuing Process is complex a right partner makes your SSL issuance process easy.
  • Compatibility to browsers: It’s important to know that which SSL certificates are compatible with all modern browsers and devices
  • Customer Support: A tech savvy team that will not only help you select SSL certificates but also guide you with the installation process.
  • Unlimited Server Licensing: Your SSL certificate price won’t increase if you need to install it on multiple servers!
  • Product Warranty: Comes with a warranty for liability protection worth in dollars
  • HTTPS Secure: Secures your website communication from hackers and provides your customers security.
  • Site Seal and Padlock: Show off your visual trust indicators on your website to gain visitors trust.


The main task of Organization SSL Certificate is to encrypt website of an Organization & user's essential information which is used for Transactions. It gives high assurance SSL Certificate to an Organization's which can increase your SEO ranking.


Google will issue a DOMAIN VALIDATION CERTIFICATE to a person who owns the domain of a website, after going through various verification process like email verification, file base verification & registered admin verification.


It saves your money as it provides & secure one domain & unlimited first level sub-domain on one certificate. Wildcard certificate also.


The Highest CLASS OF SSL The Highest CLASS of SSL available is provided by Extended Validation Certificate by activating both Padlock & Green Address.

frequently asked questions

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  • SSL Certificate Warranty provides protection if your SSL is misused, hacked or met with a data breach due to flaws in the certificate. All the certificates which we provide come with SSL warranty.
  • SSL Certificate we provide are valid from 1-3 years .EV Certificates can be ordered only for max 2 years and DV & OV certificates can be obtained for up to 3 years.
  • For security reasons, you will need to have your SSL Certificate re-issued in these instances. You will need to create a new CSR and share it with us so that we can reissue the certificate.
  • SSL Certificate Price starting from ₹501/year up to ₹50,000/year depending on your needs and requirements. SSL Certificates from Https.In are of affordable Price. Also, you get free technical support for Lifetime.
  • The time required to issue a new SSL certificate depends on many factors. The SSL certificate type, the validation process, and how quickly you respond with requested information from us or the certificate authority communications.