Enterprise Digital Rights Management

Protect your trade secrets, intellectual property, and customer data with Enterprise Digital Rights Management Solutions. Our Rights Management is the only browser-based security solution that protects sensitive information, digital assets, and documents and tracks wherever they travel with granular, persistent usage data security controls.

Features of our Product

Protect digital content and intellectual property and share seamlessly with authorized users using different protection methods.

Automatic Protection

  • Rules-based
  • Folder based
  • Enterprise app-based
  • ECM Based
  • Classification and Discovery-Based
  • DLP & CASB Based
  • Microsoft 365 Security Based

Enable easy access to protected files to employees and external third parties on any device, format, and platform.

  • Easy Onboarding
  • Easy Authentication
  • Anyness – Access files and emails to any device, format, and platform.
  • Any OS
  • Any Device
  • Any Format
  • Any Collaboration Technology
Track and Revoke

Track protected files to see who has accessed them, what they’ve done, and when.

Revoke access for any user at any time to ensure that sensitive content is no longer accessible.

  • Extend your GRC beyond the perimeter
  • 360° Control and Visibility of File Usage
  • Alerts on Unauthorized File Usage Attempts
  • Forensic-Level Data Usage Details
  • Integration with SIEM and Logging Tools
  • Data-Centric Security = Simplified Compliance
Benefits of choosing us
  • Hardware-level DRM Support
  • Full Platform Support
  • Support for the Latest Standards
  • BYOD Support
  • Extremely resource-friendly
  • Secure and Independent
Our Optimum Business Benefits
  • Control Distribution of confidential documents – you have the ability to restrict downloads/printing and automatically watermark your documents.
  • Restrict and revoke access to your files – Control which users can access your documents and revoke the permissions anytime. You can also restrict forwarding and set expiration dates for access.
  • Track user activity with analytics – Know where and when each user accesses all of your documents with our user analytics and activity log.
  • Complete Access Control
  • Collaborate with confidence – We provide peace of mind knowing your files are secured under the strictest industry standards. Bank-level 256-bit SSL encryption and an intuitive interface help you share and collaborate with confidence. Because it is virtually impossible for even the fastest computers to crack
  • Prevent Data Leaks – We’ve made it easy to know which permissions have been applied and to terminate someone’s access it’s a simple flip of a switch to turn off their access. You never need to worry that your data is going to fall into the wrong hands.
  • Shred any document, any time – Revoke access from anyone who has downloaded a file, or set an expiration date for downloading documents in a timely manner. Never worry about outdated versions or confidential information leaving your control. Admins can set a future expiration date for a group that will disable their overall access within the data room, including disabling access to download DRM-protected documents. If you want to renew their permissions, it can be done with just a few clicks of the mouse and their permissions will be reinstated.


    frequently asked questions

    • While it is advertised as a mechanism to prevent copyright infringement, DRM is actually designed to restrict all of the incredible possibilities enabled by digital technologies and place them under the control of a few, who can then micromanage and track every interaction with digital media. In other words, DRM is designed to take away every possible use of digital media, regardless of legal rights, and sell some of these functionalities back as severely limited services.

    • DRM restricts entirely different activities than copyright does, and serves an entirely separate function. While Copyright restricts who can distribute media, DRM restricts how users can access their media. Copyright already provides leverage against illegal distribution, meaning that the largest distribution platforms must already adhere to the demands of large publishers, studios, music labels, and software companies. DRM provides anti features (features that exist only to worsen the service for users) and charges for their removal. This gives major media and technology companies much broader control over the use of media than is enabled by copyright law, while copyright allows them to force all legal media distribution services to use DRM.

    • Industry supporters of DRM refer to it as "digital rights management," as if to suggest that users should be powerless and relinquish their ability to decide how they can use and interact with their media. DRM is a mechanism to enforce severe restrictions on users' media that would otherwise be impossible, so DRM is about restrictions, not rights. Users should have control over their own media, not be left at the mercy of major media and technology companies. For that reason, opponents of DRM refer to it as "Digital Restrictions Management."

    • The argument that DRM "doesn't work" because it can often be circumvented misses the point, because DRM is not about copyright enforcement. DRM is very effective at what it does: limiting the freedom of anyone who uses DRM-encumbered services so that some functionality can be sold back as severely limited services.

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