Collect, aggregate and organize threat intel data from multiple sources and formats with our Threat Intelligence Platform

 A TIP provides security teams with information on known malware and other threats, powering efficient and accurate threat identification, investigation and response and enables them to spend their time analyzing and investigating potential security threats.

Threat Intelligence

Knowledge of a threat gained by human analysts or identified by events within the system. Intelligence is a broad term, but a TIP presents analysts with specific kinds of intelligence that can be automated, including:

  • Technical knowledge of attacks, including indicators
  • Finished intelligence - the result of humans analysing available data and drawing conclusions about situational awareness, predicting potential outcomes or future attacks, or estimating adversary capabilities.
  • Human intelligence - any information gathered by humans, such as lurking in forums to look for suspicious activity.

IT’s Main Goal

  1. Aggregation of intelligence from multiple sources
  2. Data curation, normalisation, enrichment, and risk scoring
  3. Integrations with existing security systems
  4. Analysis and sharing of threat intelligence

What Makes Tip So efficient and Reliable?

It is sourced from a reputable, third-party supplier.

Most organisations lack the resources to independently collect, vet, organise, and analyse threat data. This makes these activities associate degrees  particularly valuable as part of third-party offerings-provided the supply is qualified and trustworthy

It Provides Relevant Insights Into Risk 

Threat intelligence can provide information about the likelihood of risk, the business impact of risk, or both. However, the insights square measure only relevant if they are framed for the organization’s specific context.

It Provides Insight Into a full of life Campaign

Most organizations have already got an associate degree of raw data concerning threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits. However, what they have is insight into active attack campaigns-information that features the “who, what, where, when, and how” of the newest security threats. The foremost valuable insight into active campaigns is the data that’s specifically relevant to the organization’s setting and business context.

It Includes choices for Action

Security professionals have a tendency to approach the issue incorrectly, first attempting to make sense of the overwhelming volume of data concerning threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits. Only then do they link that data to the business price in a way that decision-makers will understand. Cyber threat intelligence will be gathered from a variety of sources, including social media platforms where users publish threat data in real time.

How Can Your Organization Benefit From Tip?

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CTI will help you in lowering down your overall expense. If your response to the data breach is slow, then you can end up losing more money than an average organization loses during a data breach. Data breaches can be avoided with the help of Cyber Threat Intelligence. As a result, they will assist you in reducing business expenses. CTI teams are prepared with appropriate defence strategies.

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Improve the efficiency of your security team

CTI can assist your security team in detecting new security threats. Cyber Threat Intelligence will assist your team in determining which threats must be addressed. This will improve the response rate of your time. They can focus on actual security threats. This will automatically improve the efficiency of your security system. It will help you in minimizing the workload of your team.

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Lowering Risks

Cyber Threat Intelligence will keep your company safe from cybercriminals. Hackers are constantly looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit in order to gain access to enterprise networks. CTI will provide you with adequate visibility. It will aid you in discovering new vulnerabilities. As a result, the risk of data loss is reduced. It will also block or minimize disruption in your day to day operations.

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Avoid data breach

A CTI system will assist you in preventing data breaches. It will examine all suspicious domains and IP addresses that attempt to communicate with your system. If the IP address is suspicious, then the CTI system will block it from your network.If you are not using CTI system, then hackers can easily flood your network with fake traffic causing a DDoS or denial of service attack which can cause extreme damage to your company.

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Collaborative Knowledge

Cyber Threat intelligence shares crucial cybersecurity practices and information with your organizationKeeping up with new vulnerabilities and zero-day threats is difficult. As a result, organisations share their vulnerabilities and tactics with other businesses. Organizations are helping each other to defend themselves against cyber attacks.

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In-depth cyber threat Analysis

CTI will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of any cyber threat. As a result, a CTI system will assist your company in analysing the various techniques that cybercriminals can employ. If your security defence system is unable to protect your network, you can improve network security. It will also help you in protecting your system from new vulnerabilities.


Value/Features/Benefits Of Tip

  • Automate, streamline and simplify the entire process of researching, collecting, aggregating and organizing threat intelligence data, as well as normalizing, de-duping and enriching that data.
  • Real-time monitoring and detection, validation, and response to potential security threats.
  • Learn about current and future security risks, threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities, as well as threat adversaries and their tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).
  • Set up processes for security incident escalation and response.Share threat intelligence data with other stakeholders through dashboards, alerts, and reports, among other methods.
  • Continually feed the most up-to-date threat intelligence data to security systems such as Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions, endpoints, firewalls, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPSs) and others.