Malware Detection and Removal
What is Website Malware?
A malicious program running on your website or web server that can affect the smooth functioning of your site or infect your website visitors machines.

Effects of Malware:
MALWARE Solutions:
- Automated Service that searches for Vulnerability on your website or on your server.
- Daily Malware Detection helps in protection of your website against any suspicious files injection
- Detect & remove Malicious JavaScripts , Links to malicious sites or download pages
- Restore easily back to original website environment and also sync new changes
frequently asked questions

- Website crashes or freezes
- Account login information was modified without your knowledge.
- Files on websites were deleted or modified.
- Increase in website traffic flow.
- You’ve experienced a noticeable change to your search engine results, such as blacklisting or harmful content warnings
Usually websites that provide free downloads of software, music, and video are the ones that are filled with viruses and other malware.
Apart from that, the ad containing websites like porn sites, and some rogue blog sites, are also the primary gateway for the malware programs to enter your system.
Technically, free applications lack the capabilities to remove malicious, complex malware. They also are not backed by the resources available to track and eradicate the latest malware threats. Malware is growing relentlessly more sophisticated. Free applications just can't keep up.
Even if you're careful, you can pick up malware through normal Internet activities.
- Visit any media-supported Web site and you're bound to get a tracking cookie.
- Share music, files or photos with other users.
- Install software applications without fully reading license agreements.